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How KING transformed their customer experience by partnering with Radaro


After a pilot of Radaro’s last mile technology, KING has now implemented the software around Australia with plans to launch the platform globally. 

The new technology gives KING customers complete visibility over their deliveries. The result? Positive upticks in customer review ratings and new efficiencies across the business. 

Richie Gunasekara, Head of Implementations and Learning at Radaro has led the project from the Radaro side, working closely with Sam Gallaway, KING National Services Manager. 

“We’re thrilled to partner with an industry leader like KING,” says Richie. “Even better is that we have been able to solve critical logistics problems for the business and add real value to the customer experience.” 

More than adding value, the partnership between KING and Radaro has seen the KING customer experience completely transform. And that’s just the beginning of the story. 


The KING/Radaro implementation


Radaro is the single source of truth for outbound execution at KING, offering complete visibility and digitisation across the entire delivery process. 

Customers can track their deliveries in real time. And internal operations and customer service teams have live data at their fingertips to more effectively manage the delivery network. 

When the KING partnership with Radaro was first formed, there was a process of tailoring a solution to meet the business pain points. 

“One of the biggest issues for KING was that they didn’t have control over the delivery process,” recalls Richie. “Understandably, customers wanted to know when they could expect their delivery. They would call the KING customer service team who then had to call the delivery driver to get an update. It wasn’t an ideal solution for any of the parties.” 

The Radaro solution solved this problem while also digitising the outbound process and empowering KING teams with a dashboard of live data. 

Sam explains that the process is end-to-end, with multiple touchpoints designed to offer visibility and prevent issues. 

 “The day before delivery, customers receive a text message with a delivery window. Then, once the driver has started deliveries for the day, the customer receives another text message with a live tracking link. They can track the driver and get live updates as to when they can expect their delivery. Soon after the driver marks the delivery as complete, the customer receives another text message to rate their delivery and provide feedback on the experience.” 


Live tracking and real-time feedback have revolutionised the customer experience.


Enhanced customer outcomes


From the beginning of the Radaro implementation, KING was focused on improving the customer experience. In today’s always-on world, customers expect greater visibility over deliveries. That’s what Radaro offers. 

Not only do customers now have live tracking ability, KING can also capture feedback in real time. 

“Once the delivery is complete, the tracking screen automatically rolls over to a five-star rating screen,” explains Richie. “Visually, it replicates a Google-like review experience. Customers also then receive a follow up text message reminding them to provide a review.” 

That feedback is then sent directly to the customer service team. If the feedback is low, it’s escalated in real time to be actioned immediately. 

“We’ve found that the new Radaro process eliminates some of the frustrations our customers were experiencing,” adds Sam. “We’re now getting feedback about how seamless our delivery service is".

“Rather than speaking with multiple different people on different days, if the customer does call us now, they have contact with one person only. Radaro has enabled this shift in our customer experience.” 

Today, average customer feedback through the Radaro system sits at 4.7 out of 5 stars. 


Radaro places both the customer and the business at the centre of the experience.


New business efficiencies


The customer experience benefits of Radaro are clear. But efficiency gains within the business have also been a clear win for KING.  Radaro’s customer success team have enabled the deployment of several Radaro modules to help in optimising KING’s daily workflow. 

KING has eliminated manual delivery dockets, reducing paper usage across the business. Everything the driver and customer needs is fulfilled within the Radaro app. 

Secondly, KING has also introduced pre-inspections capability to minimise customer disputes and damage claims. If the driver identifies any on-site imperfections prior to an installation, they can perform a pre-inspection by capturing photo evidence and recording notes both pre and post job completion. The “job audit” evidence is then attached to the job for advanced transparency, ensuring KING has an efficient resolution of claims across the full chain of responsibility. 

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, the data that the team could access from Radaro helped to address instances of failed delivery. 

“KING has a failed delivery rate of 5%, which is very low,” says Richie. “More than 80% of deliveries are delivered in full on time. KING has taken a proactive approach to address and resolved failed deliveries.” 

“We now have a team that is responsible for handling delivery failures,” adds Sam. “In some cases it might be a missing part. Or a damaged item. We were surprised to discover that 20% of failed deliveries are due to the customer not being home".

“As a result of the new recovery team, 66% of failed deliveries are now recovered on the same day. In each state the recovery team has a dedicated delivery driver who can rectify the issue.” 

Previously, these failed deliveries would fall to the customer service or dispatch team and created a less than ideal customer experience. The live escalations from Radaro’s failed delivery module ensure transparent data is available for all KING stakeholders, meaning the KING customer service and dispatch team are now on the front foot. 


Customers of the KING UK Showroom will be next to experience the Radaro benefits. 


Looking to the future


With the Australian implementation of Radaro now complete, the next step is to roll out the platform in the UK and then globally. 

“Partnering with Radaro is a great match for us,” says Sam. “As we expand the technology, it’s almost as simple as flicking a switch and being live in a particular country. Any of the local pain points, such as phone numbers of geo tags, that we might have to deal with have already been addressed by Radaro.” 

Through the outstanding results achieved in delivery and install, Radaro furthered its integration with KING with the successful implementation of the Radaro platform across KING’s after sales service technician network, including independent contractors.  

“We have successfully deployed Radaro across the KING service network and continue to add ongoing value to the usecase” says Richie. “From a customer point of view, they have the same ability to track the arrival of their service technician. Service technicians can also notify various KING business units of pertinent job information such as identified customer purchase intentions, directly from the Radaro App whilst eliminating paper or mental notes.” 

Further, to bring greatly enhanced operating efficiencies, KING is currently scaling the fully integrated Radaro route optimisation capability across the network. 

“We’re always in conversation about how we can benefit customers and benefit the drivers,” says Sam. “As we’re growing, Radaro is growing as well. What we really appreciate is how proactive they are in bringing new ideas and solutions to the table.” 

With the implementation now exceeding 40,000 jobs, the KING/Radaro partnership is going from strength to strength. And as it grows, the KING customer experience will continue to transform.